Teach On A Mission™
Flipped Classroom Formula ™
The Complete Professional Development Course to Get You From Stressed To Your Own Thriving Flipped Classroom
Flipped Classroom Formula™ is the only comprehensive program of its kind that helps you build and implement your flipped classroom without the stress of doing it alone, the hours of Googling and Pinterest-ing just to wonder if you’re doing it right, and the worry that all this hard work will result in nothing for your students.
Nope! Inside FCF I’ll be right by your side through the whole journey!
Before I Tell You All About This Life- and Classroom-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For…
You’re an educator who knows that teaching is MORE than feeling the pain of black Zoom boxes or empty assignments in Google Classroom, and are looking to build a classroom environment that puts your students’ learning, engagement and accountability at the center while you take on the role of guide-on-the-side. You’re ready to get back to the teaching career you LOVE!
Whether You’re….
An elementary teacher looking to empower your students with accessible instructions for the centers in your rooms, or through content-videos they can watch and rewatch as they need in mastering the hard parts of learning.
A middle, high school or postsecondary teacher looking to make your content delivery or lecture more accessible to students so that they can a) do the messy parts of learning inside your classroom and maybe get to the more engaging parts of your course for once, and b) be empowered to own their learning and stay on top of it even when they (or you) are absent or access your classroom remotely or need to catch up or get ahead (hello differentiation).
An educator who is exhausted by working so dagone hard day in and day out while you’re students just sit-and-get the material, and are ready to have a student-centered classroom where THEY think and use their brain on the content more than you do without sacrificing your evenings and weekends to make this all happen.
You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how Flipped Classroom Formula™ will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to building and implementing a flipped classroom.
I've taken everything I've learned from building multiple thriving flipped classrooms over ten years of teaching and helping hundreds of teachers do the same, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the strategy behind flipping, but the actual implementation of doing it well the FIRST TIME.
By the end of this program,
you will have:
Developed an iron-clad student-flow for your flipped classroom, ultimately setting it and your students up for success when the going gets tough throughout the school year.
Planned your ENTIRE YEAR for the course you plan to flip - yep, that’s right. You’ll know your exact pacing and how to stick to it during the school year.
Expertly recorded and published at least your first two units of flipped videos (possibly more depending on how many you’ll be reusing from this year), even if video creation is not your strong-suit.
Thoughtfully aligned all topics of your course so that you’re able to hit the ground running when it’s time to make flipped videos.
Intentionally considered all potential obstacles to your flipped classroom so that nothing will stand in the way of your students’ success and your sustainability when it comes to delivering and mastering the content.
Proactively prepared your future students and parents for the idea of the flipped classroom so all parties involved feel assured of the technique and your expertise in all things learning within your classroom.
Pricing Options
Pay Upfront
1 Payment of
Pay Monthly
3 Monthly Payments of
Teacher Experience
1 Payment of
All the opportunities and benefits of the Flipped Classroom Formula non-VIP experience, PLUS
Exclusive access to ALL Flipped Classroom Formula bonuses, including:
The Flipped Classroom Tech Tutorial Library!!!
Mini-Course: Using Google Sites AND Classroom Like A Pro
Mandy's Flipped Classroom Syllabus and Parent Newsletter Templates
The Flipped Classroom Poster Pack

V.I.P. Teacher Experience
The all new, VIP Experience inside of Flipped Classroom Formula™ is the best way to up your game and make sure you get the most robust support from Mandy and her team throughout your 6-module journey inside the course.
All VIP FCF Teachers will have access to the amazing BONUS content that will further prepare you as the BOSS flipped teacher you are so ready to be!
If you’re wanting the next best thing to professional development and instructional coaching from your teacher-bestie, the VIP Teacher Experience inside of Flipped Classroom Formula is IT!

So if you’re ready to finally flip your classroom while avoiding the overwhelm and uncertainty of doing it on your own…
Here's how I'll help you get there:

Module 01
Flipped Classroom Foundation
No big project, and no worthwhile course for that matter, can happen without a solid foundation, and that's what you'll be creating in this module - a foundation you can build off of and fall back on the rest of the school year.
Module Highlights:
This is work that will set you up for the ENTIRE school year that will allow you to stick to your calendar and have a great guide to get you through those difficult months.
Flipped Classroom Intro: Intermediate
Your Flipping Foundation: The Calendar
Your Flipping Foundation: Unit Guides
NEW *BONUS* Cohesive Flipped Classroom in ALL Settings
NEW Copyright in the Flipped Classroom
Module 02
Flipped Video Foundation
In this module, you'll make some significant decisions about your videos, your recording process, and where you'll house your videos so that in the next module, all you have to do is record.
Module Highlights:
You'll get slightly technical in this module, but in all the good ways because you'll be learning skills that will impact your classroom beyond flipping. You will plan and make decisions around topics like:
WebCam or No WebCam? And Setting Up to Record
Choosing and LEARNing Your Video Creation Tool
Plan Your Summer, Plan Your Year for Flipping
Building a Home for Student Access of Your Flipped Videos
NEW *BONUS* Personalizing Your Flipped Classroom for ALLL Settings
Module 03
Flipped Video Creation
Now that you have your amazing prep work done, here is where we rev up the coaching and support so that you can DO THE WORK.
I talk you through any worries or fears about the camera, we do all the prep work, and YOU just do it - this is where the magic happens in flipping.
Module Highlights:
We'll infuse your personality into your videos so that your students feel the same connection with you they would have if they were in your classroom.
Preparing Your Slides & Materials
Practice & Personality
YOUR Power in Pause
Editing Tips & Tricks
NEW *BONUS* Tips & Tricks for Math and Elementary Teachers
Module 04
Flipped Student Processes
Only half the battle of flipping is making the videos and setting up where students will access them, and that's what we've already taken care of or at least planned for. The other half is a multitude of things; one of those things being what your students will DO when they are taking notes and the processes around their note taking.
Module Highlights:
In this module you'll determine the routines your students will have around their note-taking and other procedures of your flipped classroom that will set them up for success.
When? That is the Question
Student Process: During Your Videos
Student Process: After Your Videos
What to do when they DON'T take notes
Data of Your Flipped Classroom
Module 05
INSIDE Your Flipped Classroom
The question of what to do in class now that you won't be taking all the time to lecture is a daunting one for many flipped teachers. For good reason.
But in this module, I show you why it doesn't have to be daunting and how you've done MUCH of the work already.
Module Highlights:
Hear from other teachers in this module based on subject as to what they do and love in their flipped classrooms so that you can find some key takeaways for your classroom. You can expect to have AT LEAST your first unit planned from A-Z, but I would bet you could do more than that if you focus and make a good plan from the last module.
Rely on the Unit Guide and Other Key Points
Get Content Specific
Daily Classroom Procedures
Student Reflection in the Flipped Classroom
NEW *BONUS* Digital Activities and Platforms in ALL Settings
Module 06
Preparing Students and Parents for the Flipped Classroom
Now that you are a total champ at creating your flipped video notes, here is where we wrap it ALL UP and really set your flipped classroom up for success when we take some time to consider where your obstacles will be and how we can proactively combat them.
Module Highlights:
What happens when a student doesn't take the notes? What do I do with a reluctant, or even angry parent about this new way of teaching that I've built my entire classroom around? These, along with others, are some of the obstacles we will proactively tackle in this module.
Beginning of the Year Prep
The First Two Weeks
Communication: With Students
Communication: With Parents
Lifetime Private Facebook group of all Sustainable Teachers looking to flip their classroom
The Flipped Classroom Formula Planner, the complete and comprehensive master to-do list for all our rockstar to-do listers out there who want to know the next step at any given moment, and so you know just what to expect and when throughout the program.
The option to enroll with the University of St. Francis to earn your choice of 3 or 4 Graduate credits for the work you'll already be doing in Flipped Classroom Formula at the fraction of the cost of the average graduate credit hour.
A Small Sample of our Amazing Alumni
When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:
Flipped Classroom Formula™
(a $3,348 Value)
6 Implementation Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to build your thriving flipped classroom.
A complete step-by-step guide on how to best record, edit, and publish your flipped videos without taking hours to do so.
The Student Flipped Classroom Flow that will show you how to set up your students for success when it’s time to put your flipped classroom into action.
The best way to use your in-class time for your individual, and unique classroom that makes sure your students are getting the best educational experience possible without sacrificing your evenings and weekends to do so.
You’ll be given access to the entire course as soon as you enroll, that way you can proceed through the content at your pace.
In addition, you will have LIFETIME access to the course. We do this so that you don't ever feel behind, knowing this is your own personal journey, and to protect your time, attention and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most would-be flipped classroom teachers in their tracks.
The Flipped Classroom Formula
14-Day Guarantee
Let me say this upfront.
Flipped Classroom Formula™ is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program for teachers who are excited about and COMMITTED to building and launching their flipped classrooms this year.
Our community is highly-curated and filled with helpful, motivated, and super-supported members who are building flipped classrooms. When you join, you will be part of this special group.
Now here’s the kicker.
By the end of these 14 days, you’ll have received access to the comprehensive Flipped Classroom Planner as well as the first two modules.
Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to to build your flipped classroom foundation and map out your video creation plan BEFORE making a final commitment.
If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by your flipping journey (and your ability to build and implement it like a boss), simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment.
FULL DETAILS HEREFrequently Asked Questions
Burning Q’s your fellow flipped classroom teachers asked before grabbing their access
TIME! I don't have the time to devote to an online course in addition to trying to flip my classroom.
I already know what it takes to flip a classroom, I just need to sit down and do it.
I am an educator on an educator's salary - I don't have the money to spend on this.
How is this different than other professional development I have found online?
How do I know if flipping my classroom is what I need or what my classroom needs?
What if I get into this course and I get overwhelmed or something big happens - you know... LIFE! - and I just can't continue?
Pricing Options
Pay Upfront
1 Payment of
Pay Monthly
3 Monthly Payments of
Teacher Experience
1 Payment of
All the opportunities and benefits of the Flipped Classroom Formula non-VIP experience, PLUS
Exclusive access to ALL Flipped Classroom Formula bonuses, including:
The Flipped Classroom Tech Tutorial Library!!!
Mini-Course: Using Google Slides AND Classroom Like a Pro
Mandy's Flipped Classroom Syllabus and Parent Newsletter Templates
The Flipped Classroom Poster Pack

Still “thinking about it”?
You should give Flipped Classroom Formula™ a 14 day risk-free shot if you’re motivated by any of the following:
You want your life back… like… really badly.
You’ve made it through this unprecedented year with concrete knowledge that… NEVER AGAIN. There’s got to be a way to be effective in the classroom AND present at home. And you’re totally right, there is a way to be more sustainable, and flipping your classroom with the help of someone who has done it before is one giant step in that direction.
You’ve been making videos this year and now want to know how to use them again.
Maybe this year hasn’t been all bad, because you worked your butt off and now have videos you made in order to be accessible to your students, but you want to know how to effectively use them in a classroom setting that has in-person and remote students at any given time.
You know the benefits of flipping, but need the steps to make it happen.
You’ve seen flipping in action or have heard of the benefits and know that this is a great time to take advantage of in the world of education, but haven't had the encouragement, clear steps to take in front of you, or someone to do it with you.
You want to use your summer thoughtfully and intentionally
You have no problem investing 3-5 (give or take) hours per week in making your flipped classroom a reality as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest is a strategic and meaningful step toward creating your thriving flipped classroom and getting the results you want.
You’re ready to become the calm and collected, guide-on-the-side educator you’ve always dreamed of
You're tired of working and thinking harder than your students and want to increase student accountability and engagement in their own learning. So why not invest in a tried-and-true strategy that you can customize and make it work now?
You’re ready to not DIY this important aspect of your classroom
Unlike pretty much every other aspect of your classroom, you don’t have to DIY this big one because you know you can rely on the experience of someone who has already worked out the kinks and you can do it alongside the collaborative PLC environment of Flipped Classroom Formula™.
ENROLL NOWI personally cannot wait to guide you over these next 10 weeks…
Creating a flipped classroom literally transformed my teacher-life.
I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to transition from an unreasonably-demanding daily teacher-grind where I’m the sage-on-the-stage very much working intellectually harder than my students, to the more sustainable daily flow of being a guide-on-the-side educator that I thought was never possible.
More than anything else, I want to share that with you today.
If you’re a teacher coming out of the school year knowing there’s got to be a better, more sustainable way to do all of this important work, then you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life as a flipped classroom teacher looks like.
To experience firsthand the differentiation, student engagement, and sustainability that it provides -- and to take real, tangible steps toward taking back your evenings and weekends for your family-time and self-care.
Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 10 weeks will be completely and utterly life changing for you, your students, and your family.
I look forward to meeting you personally inside Flipped Classroom Formula™.
All my best,
Mandy Rice