Full Focus Planner
The Full Focus Planner is not your traditional Teacher-planner. In fact, it’s not a teacher-planner at all. It’s an All-of-You planner that allows you to manage not just your things to accomplish, but more importantly your goals and your WHY.
As teachers, we do some incredibly significant work. We also do a LOT of work, am I right?!? And it’s easy to get bogged down in the work and forget about the reasons why we’re doing it all. It’s also easy to lose site of our goals outside of our professional lives.
With the Full Focus Planner, you’re able to prioritize your most-important tasks, backwards plan your goals, and focus on what matters most.
Use code MANDY10 for a 10% discount.
Get It Now!How Mandy Uses Her
Full Focus Planner
Weekly Preview: Each Sunday night, I spend about 30 minutes looking at the week ahead. I see what meetings and other obligations we have both professionally and as a family. Then I establish what Michael Hyatt (the awesome guy who makes the planner) calls my Weekly Big 3. These are the main 3 things that if I get them accomplished, then I am doing something right in my world.
In the weekly preview I also identify other habits I would like to focus on that week. For instance, getting at least 8 hours of sleep, organizing a small-group event, or getting in 5 workouts.
Daily Preview: Each day of the week, normally the afternoon before, I’ll identify the next day’s Daily Big 3. These are three smaller tasks I need to accomplish that day that allow me to get closer to accomplishing my Weekly Big 3 Goals.

I can’t tell you what a refreshing change it’s been to be able to both have my annual goals in mind, without getting overwhelmed, and yet only thinking about three tasks at a time. I’ve said to myself so many times, “If I just get these three items taken care of today, that’s a win.” And the biggest part is that because you’ve done this backwards-like planning, those three tasks for the most part are very obtainable. Unlike how unobtainable our insanely long to-do lists can be.
Use code MANDY10 for a 10% discount.
If you’re anything like me, you totally geek out about planners. Especially the super colorful and organized teacher planners with the stickers and the tabs. Seriously - so cute. But as I searched and tested multiple planners, they only became more work to maintain and didn’t necessarily serve the work I was doing in my classroom.
Then I found the Full Focus Planner.
Teachers know the power in backwards design, right? We start with where we want students to be, then we plan our lessons backwards from there. It’s just good practice. So why don’t we do the same with our goals, whether professional or personal?
Well, the Full Focus Planner allows us to do that. It also does NOT tell you absolutely everything you need to do or accomplish. Yes, you read that right. It doesn’t put everything in your face to where you’re bogged down by the weight of it all. Instead it allows you to prioritize your tasks so that you are focusing on what’s most important right now.
And have you seen their bold line? Or the new spiral bound planners? AH! I can't wait to try those out. My personal favorite color is the poppy seed.
Grab your
Full Focus Planner
Then join me on social media and let me know how much you love it. See you soon!
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