Welcome to the Sustainable Teacher Podcast
The live-workshop style education podcast that is helping teachers build sustainable classrooms so they can stay there longer without sacrificing their evenings and weekends to do so. Get inspiration, quick tips, and implement-now strategies that won't just add to your to-do list but will lift you up as the number one influence on students' academic success.
Your Hostess

Hi, I'm Mandy Rice.
A ten year teacher who has flipped, blended, and taught online. I've also felt the unbearable weight of the unsustainable daily grind of what we do as teachers, and although I know how incredibly impactful our work is, I also know that teachers are leaving the career field at an alarming rate. This podcast is a space to lift up and encourage teachers, to help them realize they are not martyrs in the giant cog of education. In fact, they are the most influential factor on any child's education, and so sustaining our teachers is some of the most important work we can do.
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Sustainable Teacher Podcast
Whether you listened to this episode on your commute to or from work, or maybe on your daily run, it’s time to say good-bye for now as you hop out the car or walk in the door and play one of the two most important roles on this earth - teacher and YOU at home. Before you go though, make sure to rate and subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss another episode of encouragement, strategies, and maybe a few laughs. And be sure to find us on our website at teachonamission.com and social media at the links in the show notes. New episodes are dropping each week and I can’t wait for you to tune in next time. Until then, go conquer the world teacher friend
BCB Masterclass
This episode is sponsored by my brand-new, free masterclass, “How to Structure Your Blended Classroom So Your Teacher-Life is more Streamlined and Sustainable”. It’s a twenty-minute training for teachers to help you streamline your blended classroom so you can do more than just keep your head above water. To get signed up and reserve your seat click the button below.