Ready To Flip the Script on How Unattainable Your Job as a Teacher is Right Now?
You’re in the right place.
Flip the Script on Who Works Harder in Your Classroom
Get a breakdown of exactly what it takes to go from working every night and weekend to a teacher whose students take ownership and pride in their learning.
(Even if you have no idea where to start, zero tech skills, and a serious allergy to change in your classroom)

Consider this free guide a collection of shortcuts designed to get you to the destination of your teacher dreams…
More evenings and weekends with your family?
A better return on the TIME investment you make in your classroom?
A greater impact with your students that empowers them as the leaders of their learning?
GET THE FREE STARTER KITIn the Flipped Classroom Starter Kit you’ll learn:
Clear, concise steps to take to get started flipping your classroom that allows you to have more impact this school year and beyond.
Insider tips from a teacher who’s been flipping and helping other teachers do so for ten years with the main priority of holding your evenings and weekends sacred, lessening your burnout.
How to take all this work you’ve been doing during distance learning and MAKE. IT. COUNT. beyond this school year! Because, honestly, if you’re not taking these steps, your work this year will dissipate just like that.
A note from Mandy
(think of me as your new PLC leader of sorts 😀)
You’ve got what it takes to preserve your evenings and weekends for yourself while remaining (or becoming more) effective in the classroom.
There is no silver bullet to solve all your classroom woes. But with flipped learning techniques, you ABSOLUTELY have what it takes to reach your teacher and classroom goals without burning out in the process.

My own journey in flipping my classroom started with the goal of putting more ownership of learning on my students rather than me and led me to increase student scores by 8, 10 and then 12% in the years to follow. Your journey starts right here.
I’ve condensed my hard learned lessons from DIYing it for years into this free starter kit with one goal: to help heart-driven teachers like you build the classroom of your dreams all while preserving your personal time so you can stay in the classroom longer, having more impact with your students.
Trust me, if you can get yourself a teaching degree you can easily crack the flipped classroom code. Ready to get started?
Grab your favorite highlighter and flair pen and get ready to dig in.
See you soon!