*Please note that these episodes are designed to be listened to. I encourage you to tune in on your favorite podcast app or by clicking play above.
Holy moly! I recorded this episode in mid-January and am not publishing it until mid-February - woah! But here’s the thing, at Teach On A Mission, we are nothing but #reallife, and sometimes deadlines aren’t met and life takes over. So when you hear me say it’s mid-January, just know that I am completely wrong, but hopefully what I share still resonates with you.
In this episode we get super practical! Share this episode with a teacher who needs to hear the message that their sustainability is important and a priority!
These tips are not rocket science, but they are ones that have allowed me, as a working, teacher mom, to manage all the things in ways that are slightly automated, removes the need to think about it
Goes with the new motto I’m adopting in my life and I think all teachers should...
50% Complete
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