Top 5 Tools for the Sustainable Teacher | Manage All Your Roles BETTER

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This video’s sole purpose is to recommend some tools, gadgets, or resources that I know will help you better manage the insane pace of a teacher’s daily teaching life.  They are not top tech tools, they are not organization specific, they are simply things that allow me, and many other teachers I work with, to get a better grasp on life and managing all of the roles they play that are most important to them.

What roles do you play in life?  I guess the better question is, who are you?  You’re probably a teacher.  Are you also a mom or dad? Are you also a friend, a homeowner, a person who prioritizes health and taking care of your body?

Well this video will help you manage all aspects of who you are, not just who you are as a teacher.


Top 5 Tools for...

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Tools of the Flipped Classroom

flipped classroom tools Apr 19, 2019
Making the decision to flip your classroom is no small commitment to make. In my second year of teaching I had come to my wits end in many aspects of my classroom and decided to make it happen over the summer, so I was all in from the beginning of my discovery of the concept. Building your flipped classroom over the summer is not required, but can be ideal if you are wanting to roll with a fresh start from the beginning, and it can be helpful if you're wanting to do a complete flip, that way you have the time to really make it happen. However, I know many teachers who started implementing small aspects of the flipped classroom here and there throughout the school year, learning crucial lessons and takeaways to build it in to what they really wanted by the time they were ready to go all in.
Whether you find yourself wanting to flip your classroom right now or are considering making it happen once you have the summer to commit to making it happen all at once, I'm writing...
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