Using Google Forms to Track Student Work | Teacher Tutorial

Raise your hand if you’ve ever emailed yourself information pertaining to a student so you were reminded of it later or it was at least documented somewhere that existed outside of your brain?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a pile of paper rubrics you completed after some student performance-based work that you then needed to add into your online grade book?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been asked “well, did you call the parents?” when in a meeting about an issue with a particular students’ performance or behavior.

I don’t know about you, but to me that seems like, and for me was at some point, a whole lot of physical and mental clutter in the forms of paper and unorganized thoughts I needed to recall at any given and very important moment.

I have a solution for you.

In today’s video I’m not just going to talk about “How to use Google Forms in your classroom” - nope, we’re going to get real specific and...

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