Ep 81 How to Use Other Teachers' Videos in Your Flipped Classroom

I teach teachers how to flip their classrooms, and when I do, we spend a good chunk of our focus on making their own videos. I definitely recommend making your own videos in your flipped classroom, but sometimes it can be too large of an obstacle and stops you from even starting.

If that is the case, then using another teacher's videos may be the exact solution you need.

It truly can be a beautiful, interdependent relationship that your students can thrive in and benefit from.

In this episode, we're going to talk about situations where using another teacher's videos is a must and how to go about doing it well.

5 Steps to Start Flipping Your Classroom Printable

Hey! Did you know that I have a quick start guide to flipping your classroom ready and waiting for you to download and use to your advantage when you decide it’s high time to be more effective with your students but in ways that are more sustainable for you?

Well, I do.

And it’s an easy click away at the link...

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Flipped Classroom | How To Use Other Teachers' Videos


    1. Video Intro: Creating Flipped Videos is no small undertaking. It takes time and tools and effort and a system to keep up with it - all of which I teach and guide teachers on with my online course and other resources available on my website linked in the description below - but you don’t HAVE to make your own videos in order to flip your classroom. 
    2. Channel Intro: Well Hey there, Teacher Friend, welcome to my channel, I am Mandy Rice of Teachonamission.com and the Sustainable Teacher Podcast bringing you weekly teacher-content to inspire and invigorate your love of teaching in a way that allows you to be a good teacher AND have a personal life - because YES, you can have both.  And I would love it if you would come hang out with me on Instagram so we can get to know each other better.  And as always, if this video is something you’re watching and nodding your head to, then go ahead and hit that like and subscribe button so you do not miss any...
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Ep 79 Why I'm All Done with The Flipped Classroom

I bet this title made you think - woah, what’s happening here Mandy? You are all about the flipped classroom - and you’re not wrong.  I still stand by the statement I made on a recent Youtube video that the flipped learning model is the BEST way for 90% of teachers to be effective with their post-pandemic students in ways that are sustainable for them.

So, why am I all done with it then?

Yes, let’s talk about that and more in today’s episode.  Here we go.

Why I'm All Done With the Flipped Classroom

  1. Quick story time - I am working with teachers at a local middle school, delivering PD on a monthly basis during their students’ early release time and although we talking about the flipped classroom, we’re talking more about using the flipped learning model in ways that work inside each of their classrooms but that also allow them to breathe and be more sustainable in their daily teaching lives.
    1. My husband asked - wait I thought you...
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Why I Started A YouTube Channel for My Classroom | Why You Should Too

There's nothing that makes me feel old like talking about when I started teaching, and in this case, when I started my teacher YouTube channel as a second year teacher.

But why?  Why would I do that as a second year teacher?  Why would I put myself and my teaching out there for the whole world to see?  What's the purpose?  And what happened when I did.

These are all questions I'm answering in this week's YouTube Video, "Why I Started a YouTube Channel for My Classroom | Why You Should Too".

  1. I flipped my classroom - simple as that.  By why did I do that?
    1. Needed to not be the only person in the room with the answer - maybe having the video accessible would empower them to find the answer for themselves in a way that they felt compelled to use
    2. I needed more classroom time - simple as that - to do the things that lit me up and lit up my students, sometimes, for the most part.
    3. Now, some people are going to comment below and say things like...
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How I Accidentally Monetized My Flipped Classroom

I don’t know if I’ve ever told the full story of how I flipped my classroom and what happened once I had flipped.  You know, like the whole story, start to finish.  Sure, I’ve told it in bits and pieces as was applicable to the episode or post on our website, but not the story in its entirety.

Well, buckle up because I’m going to share it in this episode with a focus on the absolutely unexpected surprise I got in my inbox shortly after publishing my first videos, and the surprise that just keeps on giving now that I’m 12 years past flipping for the first time.

After listening to this episode you’ll see the bonus, and what was hidden advantage of flipping your classroom that may or may not be a perk to you, but at least lets you know the possibilities of flipping so that you can make the most informed choice for your unique classroom.  You’ll be ready to start flipping and see the worldwide impact, yes worldwide impact, you...

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The Power of Flipped Video and What to do When Students Don't Watch

A very common question I get from teachers about flipping is about the videos themselves.  Particularly best practices in making them and what happens when students DON'T watch them.

These are SUPER important questions that you want to be crystal clear about before venturing into flipping.  You don't want to put all kinds of time and energy into making these videos just for them to be boring, poor quality, and your students rarely watch them.  What a waste.  

When I hear teachers ask these questions about flipped video, here's what they are really asking...

Is all the work and time investment in making these videos going to be worth it?

Teachers want to know upfront, as they should.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what we're all dying to know before we start flipping, we can give it an equally clear answer.

I'll answer this question by pointing out the power of flipped videos because it will help clarify the impact we will have as flipped teachers,...

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The Number ONE Tool of the Flipped Classroom

*This post includes affiliate links to tools I have used and loved for years.  All of the opinions in this post are completely mine and if you choose to purchase anything from a link in this post I will get a small commission.*

By far the most frequently asked question I get about the flipped classroom, next to what do I do when students don't watch the videos (stay tuned for a post on that), is how to make the videos.  Specifically, what tool can I use to make my flipped videos that won't take me a ton of time to learn how to use it and will have a fairly easy process of getting the job done?

I LOVE this question because I LOVE telling teachers that making the flipped videos will be the easiest thing they do when building their flipped classroom.

For some of you that might actually be rather scary because you have no idea where to begin or might call yourselves technologically impaired.  Stick with me here for a second though, because I assure you that videoing...

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